The morning greeted us with a thick fog.

The garden was barely visible from the roadside.

Neighbouring paddocks obscured.

After the fog lifted the council workers delivered 50 used railway sleepers.
These will be used for edging around the garden in non-food growing areas. The sleepers have been tested as safe for garden use but we prefer to keep them away from our food.

During a late evening stroll around the garden
we found Pumpkins flowering

and Baby Yellow Pear Tomatoes ripe!

The ant are busy building up the soil around their holes...
...maybe we have more rain on it's way???

Not tonight with that clear sky at sunset!
Congratulations to all involved...this is amazing!!! Well done. Love your blog site. Will keep checking for updates.
Well done guys, your photos' are excellent. I'm pleased to see Ralph is still around and now has a Mrs Ralph! How cool is that!They deserve to be the Garden Mascots! You have got so much happening in relatively short time, a credit to the hard workers!
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